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Postbuild BASH Script

The postbuild bash script allows for executing arbitrary execution of bash commands after the stack has been build.

How to use

Place a file in the main directory called When the buildstack build logic finishes, it'll execute the script, passing in each service selected from the buildstack menu as a parameter. This script is run each time the buildstack logic runs.


The file has been added to gitignore, so it won't be updated by IOTstack when IOTstack is updated. It has also been added to the backup script so that it will be backed up with your personal IOTstack backups.

Example script

The following script will print out each of the services built, and a custom message for nodered. If it was the first time the script was executed, it'll also output "Fresh Install" at the end, using a .install_tainted file for knowing.


for iotstackService in "$@"
  echo "$iotstackService"
  if [ "$iotstackService" == "nodered" ]; then
    echo "NodeRed Installed!"

if [ ! -f .install_tainted ]; then
  echo "Fresh Install!"
  touch .install_tainted

What is my purpose?

The postbuild script can be used to run custom bash commands, such as moving files, or issuing commands that your services expect to be completed before running.