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Kapacitor integration

If you selected Kapacitor in the menu and want Chronograf to be able to interact with it, you need to edit docker-compose.yml to un-comment the lines which are commented-out in the following:

  # - KAPACITOR_URL=http://kapacitor:9092
  # - kapacitor

If the Chronograf container is already running when you make this change, run:

$ cd ~IOTstack
$ docker-compose up -d chronograf

Upgrading Chronograf

You can update the container via:

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker system prune

In words:

  • docker-compose pull downloads any newer images;
  • docker-compose up -d causes any newly-downloaded images to be instantiated as containers (replacing the old containers); and
  • the prune gets rid of the outdated images.

Chronograf version pinning

If you need to pin to a particular version:

  1. Use your favourite text editor to open docker-compose.yml.
  2. Find the line:

    image: chronograf:latest
  3. Replace latest with the version you wish to pin to. For example, to pin to version 1.9.0:

    image: chronograf:1.9.0
  4. Save the file and tell docker-compose to bring up the container:

    $ cd ~/IOTstack
    $ docker-compose up -d chronograf
    $ docker system prune